Dilute Enthusiasts of Victoria
GENERAL RULES & REGULATIONS: Updated 30th June 2023.
AIMS: To promote the Dilute horse and pony as a show or performance horse or pony.
1. Dilute Enthusiasts of Victoria Association, referred to as DEVA, will be run according to the Rules of Incorporation with the Committee reserving the right to alter, delete or adopt new general rules as required to run the Association for its members.
2. The Association retains the right to accept or deny membership applications.
3. All persons accepted for membership with DEVA will be required to serve a 12-month probationary period.
4. All members of DEVA must abide by the Associations Code of Conduct and the Rules of Incorporation – Associations Act.
5. The business of DEVA is to be managed by the Committee at locations advised by the Committee, or by the inclusion of the use of electronic media. Meetings will be recorded to keep a written record of decisions made at the meetings.
6. ​The Executive Committee of DEVA shall consist of President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer, who will be responsible for the general running of the Association.
​7. Sub-committees may be formed to assist in the running of the Association. All sub-committees are answerable to the General Committee.
8.​Membership year is from 1st July to 30th June of each financial year. Cost of membership for each financial year is to be made by the Committee and announced at the Annual General Meeting of each year or by renewal notice. Membership applications will take ten business days to be processed, and it is a requirement to have your annual membership card prior to competing in any DEVA classes.
​9. Only the Nominee of a Membership has the right to vote.
​10. If a member holds an executive position in another Breed Society/Colour Group, then they are ineligible to nominate for executive positions of Dilutes Enthusiasts of Victoria Association but are eligible to nominate for the General Committee.
11. The Association maintains a register for all solid coloured Dilutes regardless of age.
​12. The Association maintains a register for broken coloured (which includes, Grey, Roan) Dilutes regardless of age.
13. The Dilute colours that are eligible to be registered with DEVA are as follows: Buckskin, Dun, Palomino, Perlino, Cremello, Single Cream Dilutes, Silver, Pearl, Taffy and Champagne, and the pony/horse is required to be a solid colour. If either sire or dam are grey and/or roan, colour testing may be required to be eligible to be registered.
​14. Obvious broken coloured, grey, and roan Dilutes are eligible to be registered and are only to be shown in Dilute Broken (DB) classes, they are not eligible to be shown in regular DEVA classes. Colour testing is required to ensure that the pony/horse carries a dilute gene.
​15. All applications applying for registration with DEVA must be submitted with a copy of Breed/Colour registration certificates and photos comprising of 1 full near side, 1 full offside and 1 full front.
16.Applicants applying for registrations with DEVA that do not comply with a colour registry’s registration requirements or do not wish to register with an existing Colour group will be assessed on an individual basis for registration by the Committee of Deva.
17. There is no height limit on registrations and blue eyes are acceptable. Sabino markings will be accessed on an individual application for registration.
18. DEVA reserves the right to request that the owner is to undertake DNA testing on the pony/horse, to confirm the true colour. Costs incurred are to be paid by the owner.
19. ​Applications for registration will only be accepted from the legal owner or lessee of the horse who must be a financial member of the Association. If the applicant is a company or partnership, then the application must be in the same name as that appearing in the membership records.
20. ​Leased animals are eligible to be registered, however an Association Lease form must be signed by the owner stating that the Lessee may register the animal with DEVA.
21. ​Registration fees will be decided on by the Committee of DEVA. Registration applications will take ten business days to be processed, and it is a requirement to have your registration papers prior to competing in any DEVA classes.
22.​ All horses are required to be branded or microchipped (official proof of microchipping must be supplied with registration application) unless this contravenes breed regulations.
​23. Members with breeding stock are able to register a stud prefix and brand with the Association. They will only need to submit one name for registration.
24. Members applying to register a horse of unknown breeding must include three names on any application for registration.
25. If a horse is already registered in a breed or colour society, then that registered name must be used.
​26. The applicant must be able to prove ownership of the horse either by providing a bill of sale, service certificate or certificate of registration from another society with the horse already in their name. If none of the above is obtainable, then the application will be presented to the committee for consideration.
​27. The Association may issue a duplicate certificate of registration provided the owner makes the application in writing giving full details of the circumstances regarding the loss of the original certificate. The duplicate certificate will be issued with the wording ‘Duplicate Certificate’ clearly marked. A fee as determined by the Association will be charged for replacement.
​28. No changes are to be made to the registration certificate. Any alteration or addition, excluding transfer information, is to be made by the Registrar.
DE-REGISTRATION: A horse may be de-registered by the Association:
29. Upon written application by the owner. In the case of a new owner having purchased the de-registered horse that owner may apply for re registration.
30. If the horse was registered in error.
31. If the horse develops unacceptable characteristics.
32. If a solid- coloured dilute registered horse develops roan, grey, appaloosa, tobiano or frame overo characteristics, that horse will be transferred to the broken coloured dilute section.
33. If the horse is subsequently proven (DNA tested) not to be of a colour accepted for registration with the Association.
34. In order for the lease of a horse to be recognized by the Association a lease form must be signed by the lessor and the lessee. The original registration certificates must be lodged with the form and a duplicate certificate issued to the Lessee. The Association will not enter into any disputes should they arise. Notice of termination of the lease must be in writing to the Registrar.
​35 As all registration certificates remain the property of the Association, no registered horse is to be sold without papers. The only way to dispose of papers is to apply to the Association to have the horse de-registered. Transfers must otherwise be submitted for all horses sold. If a horse is sold through auction to an unknown buyer, the registration certificate and a signed transfer form should be sent to the Association with the buyer’s name left blank.
​36. The Committee reserves the right to transfer a registered horse and issue a duplicate certificate of registration, where proof of ownership in the form of a bill of sale or transfer with another breed or colour society is provided in the absence of a correctly completed transfer.
37. The owner of a registered horse sis required to notify the Association of the death of the horse.
​38. DEVA classes are run under the showing rules of the following except where specific DEVA rules apply. EA Vic, AHSA, Breeds recommendations and the Rules of Agricultural Societies that hold DEVA classes.
​39. The age of the horse will be calculated on the basis of a year from the first day of August of the breeding season in which it is foaled.
​40. Owners/Lessee or Handlers/Riders (who are not already listed on a membership) are required to be current financial members of the Association in order to be eligible to exhibit horses in registered DEVA classes.
​41. APPROVED SAFETY HELMET: is defined as a protective helmet which meets the current Australian Standard for Safety Helmets: At the date of publication of this Rule Book AS/NZS 3838 (current Australian Standard) or Equivalent PAS 015 (current British Standard) VG1 (interim European Standard) ASTM F1163 (current US Standard) but subject to change (refer to EA rules https://www.equestrian.org.au/content/current-approved-safety-standards-helmets for updates). Approved safety helmets, correctly fitted with two-point harness attached, are required to be worn by the rider in ALL ridden events and at ALL times while mounted.
​42. Approved Helmets must be worn by all Youth under the age of 18 in any DEVA event either, Led, Handler or Ridden.
​43. All Competitors must wear suitable closed in toed shoes in all DEVA Events.
​44. All exhibits must be registered with D.E.V.A. Proof of registration may be requested and must be shown on request. Exhibits must be shown in the name of the owner or lessee as noted in the Associations records.
​45. Horses may be shown plaited, unplaited, or hogged, as per their breed rules and regulations, and shall not be discriminated against. Horses shall be judged solely on conformation and type, colour shall not be considered. Blues eyes should not be discriminated against.
​46. Stallions and Colts (including foals), of any age shall only be shown by a competent handler/rider, that is 18 years of age and over. Stallions and colts over twelve months of age must be shown in a bridle and bit with lead attached to the bit and must display green disks. Stallions and colts must have two visible descended testicles.
​47. Foals/ Weanlings must always be haltered and are to be handled by a person 16 years of age or older. Foals are required to be a minimum of 6 weeks of age.
​48. No horse that has not been physically gelded, with both testicles removed, shall be eligible to be shown in classes for geldings.
​49. A Brood Mare is defined to be a mare 4yrs of age and over which has foal at foot, or is pregnancy tested at least three (3) months in foal. Brood Mares with a foal at foot are ineligible to be shown under saddle or in harness. Broodmares are required to be a minimum of 6 weeks post foaling.
​50. YOUTH EXHIBITOR: a person who, at the date of the FIRST day of the show is age:
Handler 5 years of age and under 18 years - Handlers Under 7yrs must be accompanied by an adult.
Rider 5 years of age to under 18 years - Riders Under 7yrs must be accompanied by an adult.
Lead Rein – 5 years of age to under 8 years of age
​51. Horses competing under saddle or in harness must be 3 years of age and over. Harness drivers must be 18 years of age or over.
​52. Show Hunter/Working Hunter classes & Gear are per EA rules & regulations, unless otherwise specified in Dilutes Enthusiasts of Victoria Association’s rules and regulations.
​53. Leading Rein/ First Ridden are only to use snaffle bridles, and whips are not to exceed 40cm, which is to be carried by the handler in leading rein, spurs are not permitted.
​54. Whips are not to exceed 75cm in length, and only dummy spurs are permitted.
​55. A Novice is not to have won first place in DEVA held/sponsored class or open classes at an agricultural show or Royal Show.
​56. No horse/pony bred by or leased from the Judge, or his/her immediate family is eligible for exhibition under that Judge.
57. No horse/pony which has been trained or handled for showing purposes by the judge or his/her immediate family for a period of twelve (12) months prior to the show shall be eligible for exhibition.
58. Once exhibits have entered the ring, there shall be no change of handler/rider without the permission of the judge/ steward.
​59. Horses must at all times be under proper control. Bad manners exhibited by the horse such as kicking, biting, rearing, or barging may result in the competitor being asked to withdraw from the class by the Steward on direction from the Judge. Any horse not under proper control will be issued a warning by Ring Stewards and subsequently may be disqualified from the class. Any horse which becomes loose and escapes from the handler or rider for any reason may be disqualified from the class. If the horse remains in the immediate judging area out of lead reach and does not interfere with any other horse to cause danger and/or disturbance and is retrieved promptly by the handler or rider may, at the discretion of the Judge and Show Officials, continue to be judged.
​60. Competitors and their team shall at all times behave in a proper and respectful manner to Judges, Show Officials and their fellow competitors. Any exhibitor or team member whose conduct is considered to be illmannered, aggressive or unsportsmanlike during the judging of an event or anywhere on the grounds may be issued a warning and subsequently dismissed from the class or disqualified from the show and may result in disciplinary action by the Society.
​61. The use of any artificial aid e.g., plastic bags, shakers, cigarette lighters, excessive use of whips or foot stamping and any other form of intimidation designed to excite the exhibit is not acceptable and may result in disqualification of the exhibit.
​62. The Committee reserves the right to alter, delete or add to the program and to reject any entry at its discretion if the circumstance arises.
​63. A Horse’s sensory hairs must not be clipped and/or shaven or otherwise modified in any way.
​64. Protests must be lodged in writing. The following persons may lodge a protest. Competitors or Exhibitors in the disputed Class. The protest must be lodged within ONE HOUR of the completion of the class. In the case of Dressage or classes using the scoring system, protests must be lodged within ONE HOUR of the scores being posted. Protests must be accompanied by $100 which shall be refundable if the Protest is upheld. An exhibitor competing for a High Point Award at any Show may protest about a class which counts towards this award even though the exhibitor is not a competitor in the class.